Happy 4th of July!
Billionaires Prefer BLACK WIVES!
Just a friendly reminder because it's true.
Be independent.
Live the life of luxury that YOU deserve.
Don't settle.
Don't get bamboozled by BROKE...
Happy Wednesday!
During a recent appearance on "The Today Show," Vivica Fox spoke a little bit about her dating life.
She mentioned that while she's interested in dating, she refuses to join a...
Happy Tuesday!
Ever hear the tale about Eartha Kitt's "afternoon delight" with James Dean & Paul Newman?
The more you know...
Many of the Hollywood vets have some of the *BEST* stories...
Happy Wednesday!
Well, another bLaCK lOVe marriage goes BUST in Hollywood, and this time it's the five-year union of Chance The Rapper and his wife, Kirsten Corley.
Now, I will be the first to...