No Happily Ever After for Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo!

advice black girl magic black women bwwm caffeinated commentary daily dose dating divorce rachel lindsay reality tv romance white men Jun 05, 2024

Happy Wednesday! 😍😍😍

Even though Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo are no longer together as a couple, they are indeed still living together...

As roommates. 🧐🧐🧐

Apparently, their California marital home has Rachel listed as the sole owner. Bryan basically "moved in" when they finally decided to live together. Prior to that, he maintained his residence in Florida, where he worked as a chiropractor.

Upon moving to LA, Bryan says he couldn't land steady work and that everything was much more expensive. Now that he's filed for divorce, he's asking for alimony.

He says that he wants to move out, but that he simply can't afford to do so because the cross-country relocation was detrimental to his business. 💅💅💅

And at this point, Rachel says that she's paying for 90% of their expenses...

Even though they are separated...

Because that man is unemployed.

And that's REASON 5,203,697 why she should've never married him. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Like, seriously. If you watched her installment of "The Bachelorette," then you *know* that she was really into Peter Kraus.

Bryan was merely her backup plan when Peter said that he couldn't marry because he didn't think they knew each other well enough.

And look, I get it! As the FIRST Black Bachelorette, Rachel didn't want to be the one who didn't receive the fairy tale proposal.

But what she should've done was accept Bryan's proposal for the show, and then PROMPTLY BREAK UP WITH HIM... 🙃🙃🙃

Just like 99.9% of all those other couples do!

She could've easily agreed to Bryan for the sake of the show, and then soon after, break up realizing that "she made a mistake" and that she owed it herself to explore a relationship with Peter without the constant imposition of cameras.

Nobody said that she actually *needed* to marry that dude!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Anyway, like I said before, I'd be *shocked* if she and Peter haven't been in touch...

Because I'm guessing that Rachel is reexamining A LOT of her choices at this point!

Check out the headlines, statements, and photos below! Your thoughts?


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