Black Women are NOT okay... and that's NOT OKAY!

black girl magic black girls rock black hair black hair care black women colorism natural hair naturalista texturism Mar 29, 2024

Happy Friday! 😍😍😍

Alright, y'all...I think we really need to have a serious talk...And I think it's past time that we address some HARSH TRUTHS...💅💅💅

Many of you do not like yourselves...Don't like the fact that you're an UNAMBIGUOUS BLACK WOMAN...

Don't like your hair texture... 🪮🪮🪮

Don't like your skin tone...

And *TRULY* wish that you were any race other than (unambiguously) Black! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

And for all of your FALSE BRAVADO, that's exactly what it is... FALSE!🤥🤥🤥

It's wild, too, because Black women are the MAIN FOLKS who go around shouting about how much they LOVE being Black! How much Black women are the BEST WOMEN!

How much white women and all other women are JEALOUS OF YOU!

How much you LOVE BLACK MEN! How black males are PERFECT!

Their chocolate skin... 🍫🍫🍫

Their African features...

Their Mandingo build...

Yet, everything you LOVE about the men you CHOOSE TO PARTNER, COHABIT, & BIRTH, you literally DESPISE IN YOURSELF!

Why are you constantly uplifting, supporting, encouraging, protecting, providing, and loving a group of males who look like you, don't love you, have no problem telling you that, yet you BELIEVE every negative, degrading thing they say about YOU but you REFUSE TO BELIEVE that partnering with them is a waste of time?

Like, how are you so quick to defend the Black male to any and everyone, but you don't feel the need to do that for yourself? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Why are so many Black women CONVINCED that every other race of woman looks better YOU...Yet no other race of men look BETTER THAN BLACK MALES???

Like, do y'all not see that wonky disconnect?! 🥴🥴🥴

Please make it make sense!

Y'all will literally spend day and night shouting about how God doesn't make mistakes...Yet you TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY feel that your HAIR & SKIN TONE ARE COLOSSAL MISTAKES!!! 🤐🤐🤐

But I really want y'all to think about this and be honest with me...

And be honest with yourselves. 💅💅💅

What is really the problem? And what is WRONG with Black women?

Watch the short video clip! Your thoughts?


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