Race | Gender | Pop Culture

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Come on in, Coffee Talkies!

Welcome to a community where your voice matters, and the java is always served fresh and piping hot!

Coffee & Cream Talk is a safe space for you to ask questions, debate, converse, and fully express yourself without fear of judgement or ridicule.

Go ahead and question all of the the lies and propaganda that have been told and sold to YOU by everyone!

Talk about your experience, preference, interest, and appreciation for dating men of other races!

Give hot takes about celebrity relationships -- the good, the bad, and the confusing!

Discuss your favorite movies and TV shows that feature Black women!

Take a walk down memory lane with a healthy dose of nostalgia!

This is the intersection where all things RACE, GENDER, & POP CULTURE meet!

Hey there, Coffee Talkies!


Read my storyĀ  ā˛¯

Iā€™ve always believed in having quality conversations.

Cultural critic. Social commentator. Pop culture aficionado. Human communication analyst and expert.

College professor by trade, lifelong student by choice, the architect of Coffee & Cream Talk is fascinated by the process of human communication -- especially as it pertains to race, gender, and pop culture.

I use my understanding of the human connection and my passion for having top-notch, quality discussions to empower Black women to step into who they really are, live life to the fullest, and win in every aspect life.

At the heart of it, I'm a writer, talker, and creator. And I'm so happy to have you here. So let's make this happen together, Coffee Talkies!

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Resources for every stage of self-discovery.